Saturday, July 31, 2010


I don't know how I forgot to mention this free 5 week interactive watercolor live online class!
I realised  some of you  from Flying Lessons might have wanted to sign up for the live classes  which started today!  Not to worry, there is still next Friday. Today was an introduction but if you want to follow through with the rest of the classes here is how you can  sign up for Molly's FREE webinar series, "Watercolor 101" and  "Learn about color, papers, brushes, drawing and composition, as well as many great painting techniques that will help you create your own special works of art."

 Molly is  a great teacher I found. There is also a chance to win some art material from Daniel Smith for retwitting about the class!

Happy weekend !


Robin Norgren, M.A, R-YT, Spiritual Director said...

hello dear friend, thank you so much for the encouraging words over the past few weeks. I am starting to feel like myself again. I will definitely need to check into this class because I am truly having a love fest with bright colros right now.

bluepoppies said...

Hi Adee thanks for your reply to my blog. You are so very welcome for the thanks about my recent purchases. I love your work and so I bought one for myself and each of my sisters. Have a wonderfully blessed week and I will be on the look out for some of those beads your were of to core ;).