Monday, June 7, 2010

Here today, gone...

Few days ago I stepped out my back door almost on top of this feather...

 I was tempted to pick it up then decided to let it be what it was, a feather...outside my door...
 Did the cat bring it?

Every morning I took a picture and sidestepped it on my way out to the studio.

This morning the feather was gone. I looked about curious to see where it could have gone, but it was nowhere to be seen in my back yard.. We have had no rain or wind these past few days..

Where do feathers go when they are not wanted anymore? Just wondering...

I hope you all had a lovely weekend!

I’m off to fire up the torch and play with
off- mandrel hearts!


Johwey Redington said...

This is so interesting. I've wondered about similar things sometimes. :D

carol gourley said...

HI Adeea:
It's comforting to know others out there are sympathetic towards my blogging disasters. Nice to meet you. Your beads are incredible. I will have to spend some time on your sites this weekend. Oh so much to explore and do. I need a 36 hour day. hehe.
see you in flight

Suzanne said...

Love the feather. I always teach my daughter to leave the flower or stone or whatever for the next person to enjoy. I'm just stopping by over from Flying Lessons. You can check me out at:

Liv @ Choosing Beauty said...

Have you heard the notion that when a white feather appears for you it means an angel is in your midst? Maybe you've got one perched on your shoulder! :)

p.s. thank you for your sweet comment on my blog and for listing me in your blogroll. I'm honored!